William August Alfred STROH Obituary
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William Stroh Obituary Newspaper Clipping:
Source: Gibson Courier, 31 October 1918

Below is a partial transcription of the newspaper clipping:
Obituary of William Stroh
William A.A. Stroh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroh, was born 4-18-1891 in Anchor Twp, on the farm of his parents where they... and was baptised May...at St. Johns Lutheran Church
On June 23, before he left home to enter the army as a U.S. soldier, he received the Lord's Supper in his church together with some other boys who left June 25 for Camp Wheeler at Macon, GA.
In September the boys were sent to Camp Mills, Long Island, NY where they were expecting to sail for France soon. He was a very patriotic soldier and was very anxious to get to the front in France and do anything he could for his country. Before he became sick he could have had a furlough, according to a letter to his sister, but he did not take it because he was anxious to go with his company overseas.
About two weeks ago.......which developed into pneumonia. His parents were called and they and their son, Charley left at once for Camp Mills, but their son and brother had passed away before they arrived. He died as a brave soldier, 10-18-1918, aged 27 years and 6 mos.
He leaves to mourn his death, his parents, Reinhold Henrich Stroh and Emily Bertha Augusta Hornke Stroh, six brothers, Henry, Charley, Adolph, Herman, Reinhold and Albert and his sisters, Mrs. Anna Siebert, Mrs. Adele Gehl, Miss Amanda, Mrs. Augusta Heckens, and Elsie and Martha at home; and many other relatives and friends.
He was buried Oct 26th at St. John's Cemetery with full military honors, the Gibson and Anchor Honor Guards being present. Rev. A. Hahn of St. John's Church officiated.
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